G. Pirelli

Gateway between worlds:

The Balkans

Saints and Heretics

The Balkans is the place where “East” meets “West,” “barbarity” meets “civility” “Christianity” meets “Islam” or so the myth goes. Find out the true historic and modern dimensions. Discover the covered up dimension of WWII hidden horrors, hidden perpetrators, hidden liberators, hidden genocides, the hundreds of thousands of hidden victims. Find out how it links to present-day events. Once you dive into this book “Gateway Between Worlds: The Balkans, Saints and Heretics” there is no going back.

About Author

G. Pirelli

Author “G. Pirelli,” possesses a Master’s Degree in History from a top worldwide university. They have spent the last four years carefully researching this topic, with mostly scholarly or academic works, to write this book. The inspiration of this book were a few stories, the bread crumbs, told by the author’s grandma who survived these horrors as a young child. 

About Author

Gateway between worlds:

The Balkans, Saints and Heretics

Everyone thinks they know the “powder-keg” of Europe, the Balkans, but do they? This book shatters long held myths and narratives of the region by exposing covered up significant events. Find what lies deep within the Sava River and at the bottom of the deep ravines that cover the beautiful landscape of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Learn about the indescribable horrors that took place in swampy Northern Croatia in a massive concentration camp complex that even frightened German Nazis. Find out about the secret genocide, one of the most brutal and lethal in modern history, that occurred in WWII at the hands of Catholic priests. Discover the unspoken dimension of Europe and WWII and “the west.” Find what divides our world and who is behind it and why. To understand the world at large, one must understand its microcosm, the land of the in between, the land of Saints and Heretics the Balkans– the gateway between worlds. 

Why "Gateway Between Worlds: The Balkans, Saints and Heretics" is a must read!

Everyone thinks they know the Western Balkans, the “powder-keg” of Europe, but do they?

“Discover the untold story of “Gateway Between Worlds: The Balkans, Saints and Heretics” — hidden horrors, hidden perpetrators, hidden liberators, hidden genocides, the hundreds of thousands of hidden victims.” 

“Discover the biggest bloodbath of the Balkans with “Gateway Between Worlds: The Balkans, Saints and Heretics.” Learn about a genocide which dwarfs Srebrenica dozens of times over.” 

find out who the biggest butchers were

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“Discover the untold story of “Gateway Between Worlds: The Balkans, Saints and Heretics” — hidden horrors, hidden perpetrators, hidden liberators, hidden genocides, the hundreds of thousands of hidden victims.” 

“Discover the biggest bloodbath of the Balkans with “Gateway Between Worlds: The Balkans, Saints and Heretics.” Learn about a genocide which dwarfs Srebrenica dozens of times over.” 

Why choose "Gateway Between Worlds: The Balkans, Saints and Heretics"

My Book Shatters long held myths and narratives of this region

The Balkans is the place where “East” meets “West,” “barbarity” meets “civility” “Christianity” meets “Islam” or so the myth goes. Find out the true historic and modern dimensions with “Gateway Between Worlds: The Balkans, Saints and Heretics.” Once you dive into this book, there is no going back. 

“In this country, nobody can live except Croatians. We know very well how to deal with those that oppose conversion [to Catholicism.] I personally have put an end to whole provinces, killing everyone- chicks and men alike. It gives me no remorse to kill a small child when he stands in the path of the Ustasha.”

– Croatian Catholic priest and Ustasha Reverend Dijonizije Jurichev

“The Drina is the border between the East and West. God’s Providence placed us to defend our border, which our allies are well aware [of] and value, because for centuries we have proven that we are good frontiersmen. Therefore, we were dubbed `Antemurale Christianitatis.”‘

– Mile Budak, Minister of Education for the Croatian Ustasha, August 1941

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Learn about some of the worst acts of violence, which occurred in the quiet secluded marshes...


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